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FASCAN joined together in only one machine several technologies of processing of knowledge:
- recognition of the voice
- recognition of a sentence
- recognition of the shapes of a face

FASCAN is a user-friendly machine, it speaks, it listens, it answers, it sees, it recognizes and delivers a message while opening a gate. If one seeks to mislead it, it memorizes the image of the misleading one. It is the ideal application for the access control, which will be accepted readily by reaching, because one asks him for no constraint nor contact, except the fact of agreeing to present itself, in a very natural way. But FASCAN remain a machine, pleasant, or frightening, but in all cases impartial, functioning continuously, with a simple socket-outlet. We do not claim to say that it is an intelligent machine, because the man alone is able to reason, judge, and to make the decision which is essential in front of an unforeseen situation. FASCAN thus remain a machine, sophisticated and tireless in front of the task which falls on to him: to recognize and let pass that which it recognizes.

Can one mislead it?

So far, did not arrive there us, and we can explain why:
- The voice recognition is reliable at least to 80 %
- The recognition of the stated sentence is reliable with more than 95 %
- The recognition of the face is reliable with more than 80 %

All these elements of recognition are skeletal in their severity (adjustment of the tolerance). In term of biometrics the concepts of false acceptances and false rejections are employed, which are within the framework of the use of FASCAN

Probability of one distort acceptance with a standard parameter setting, 0,05 %. the probability of a false acceptance is, in the case of a complicity, i.e. in the case or reaching it usual to an impostor the statement of the sentence being used as recognition communicates, remains to 0,25 %. the false rejection is completely a function of ' ' good the volonté' ' of the user. Reaching which is presented profile will obviously not be recognized by the recognition of face integrated in FASCAN Reaching of goodwill will be authenticated in less than 2 seconds.

And to finish, since FASCAN in memory the image of that puts which is not recognized... it will be difficult to disavow the correct operation of the system. There biometrics becomes one of essential technologies of the next millenium, and more it is easy to use, plus it is accepted for the largest good of all.

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